
All things are created by and through
certain states of mind or consciousness.
-Charles Fillmore
According to the great law,
whatever we create in consciousness
we will invariably experience, attract, produce and possess
in the external in due time.
-Christian Larson
What seems to be pure 'chance'
can be the veil behind which is hidden
a concealed intention of the mind.
-Anthony G. E. Blake
If you want to enlarge your life,
you must first enlarge your thoughts of it and of yourself.
-Orison Swett Marden
Our destiny changes with our thought;
we shall become what we wish to become,
do what we wish to do,
when our habitual thought corresponds with our desires.
-Orison Swett Marden
An ideas, plan or purpose may be placed in the mind
through repetition of thought.
-Napoleon Hill
Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind
and nourish with repetition and emotion
will one day become a reality.
-Earl Nightingale
The clearer the thought
and the stronger the feeling,
the greater the power.
-Carleton Whitehead
Whatever we put our attention on
will grow stronger in our life.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
The more you think about it
the quicker you get it.
-Mark Victor Hansen
Whatever you can think about on a continuing basis,
you can have.
-John Boyle
Development is only the unfolding
of what has already potential existence.
When an idea exclusively occupies the mind,
it is transformed into an actual physical or mental state.
If you cling to a certain thought with dynamic will power,
it finally assumes a tangible outward form.
Carrying a thought with dynamic will power
means holding to it until that thought pattern develops dynamic force.
When a thought is made dynamic by will force,
it can manifest according to the mental blueprint you have created.
When you are visualizing your good,
be sure to love what you see.
Generate that warm and beautiful feeling of love
and let it radiate through the images in your mind.
-John Randolph Price
One must marry one's feelings
to one's beliefs and ideas.
-Napoleon Hill
Whatever you want to be,
start to develop that pattern now.
You can instill any trend in your consciousness right now,
provided you inject a strong thought in your mind;
then your actions and whole being will obey that thought.
Take up one idea; make that idea your life.
Think of it, dream of it, live on that idea.
Let the brain, muscles, nerves every part of your body
be full of that idea and just leave other ideas alone.
Etch the thought into the fabric of your being
until you become it.
-Mark Victor Hansen
Picture in your mind your ideal of yourself.

Then continue to see this ideal picture,
no matter what external circumstances
or conditions may be.

Live in the consciousness
of very ideal quality
you have begun to picture.

Live in the consciousness of the ideal
and constantly feel the fullness of the idea.

The more feeling there is in your thought
the greater its power.

Train yourself to deeply feel
every quality, condition or force
you wish to express.

Continue to feel any desirable quality
and that quality will become a living power
in your nature.
-Christian Larson
Undoubtedly, we become what we envisage.
-Claude M. Bristol
The vision that you glorify in your mind,
the Ideal that you enthrone in your heart:
this you will build your life by, this you will become.
-James Allen
The principle of life
is that life responds by corresponding.
-Raymond Charles Barker
Life is a mirror and will reflect back
to the thinker what he thinks into it.
-Ernest Holmes
Each automatically attracts to himself
just what he is.
-Ernest Holmes
We do not attract what we want
but what we are.
-James Allen
The moment you are very clear about what you want to do,
things happen.
Life comes to your aid.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
The moment a person becomes straightforward
a straight way opens before him.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Follow your inner heart
and the world moves in and helps.
-Joseph Campbell
If you follow your bliss,
doors will open for you 
that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.
-Joseph Campbell
It has been repeated experience
that when you said to life calmly and firmly
(but very firmly!)
"I trust you; do what you must,"
life had an uncanny way of responding to your need.
-Olga Ilyin
What your heart desires earnestly and clamours for incessantly
is attracted to you out of the invisible supply,
i.e. the means, the environments,
the right sort of persons, books and thought forces
are drawn to you.
-William Walker Atkinson, "A. P. Mukerji"
It is only be being dead earnest
that we can progress quickly.
-Aurobindo Ghose
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
-Henry David Thoreau
If only you care enough for a result
you will most certainly attain it.
-William James
You can have anything you want
if you want it desperately enough.
You must want it with an inner exuberance
that erupts through the skin
and joins the energy that created the world.
-Sheila Graham
Be brave enough to live life creatively,
the creative place where no one else has ever been.
-Alan Alda
You must not let your life run in the ordinary way;
do something that nobody else has done;
something that will dazzle the world.
Make visible what, without you,
might perhaps never have been seen.
-Robert Bresson
There is nothing you can't do,
if you set your mind to it.
Anything is possible.
-Rick Hansen
Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says, "I'm possible!"
-Audrey Hepburn
Anything is possible
as long as you have the passion.
-Guy Forget
To achieve the impossible
it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.
-Tom Robbins
The difference between the impossible and the possible
lies in a person's determination.
-Tommy Lasorda
Believe that everything is possible
and resolve to prove it.
-Christian Larson
The only way to find the limits of the possible
is by going beyond them to the impossible.
-Arthur C. Clarke
Nothing is more imminent than the impossible.
-Victor Hugo 
It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
-Walt Disney
When you convince you mind
of its accomplishing power,
you can do anything!
When the bullseye becomes as big as an elephant in your mind,
you won't be able to miss it.
-Alejandro Jodorowsky 
[The Garden of] Eden has no limit.